Hey friends ,
I have something important to talk about today . You might say it’s the most important thing there is . It’s life and death . Sorry to get into such a heavy subject but I feel like I need to say a couple things . I think sometimes people have a perception about people like me who have gone on a weight loss journey and post recipes and such . I want to clarify my reasoning for posting about my own personal struggles and successes with my health . I don’t post about this stuff to in any way brag about where I’m at . I want to try to be inspirational and also be inspired back because it is one of the hardest things in the world to resist constant temptation and always make the right choices . For me there was no other choice but to get healthy and lose a lot of weight . I would have died probably before I was 50 if I would have stayed the size I was or gotten larger . My sleep apnea was as bad as it could be . I still struggle with it if I gain back even a little bit so it’s an every day battle . I’m hoping that when I get to my goal and have skin removal surgery , I will finally be able to permanently stop using a cpap machine . Before I started losing weight I had a sleep study done and they said I stop breathing every minute . It was so many times they stopped counting . I wasn’t getting any air at night and I didn’t even know . I would wake up and my hair would be ratted from thrashing in my sleep trying to catch my breath . It’s terrifying to think about . I’ve lost friends to sleep apnea who were younger than I am now. All of this is to say that each and every day I have to stay motivated and choose the right foods. Every day I do intermittent fasting , keto and take many supplements. Every day I try to make something truly tasty and good for me to remind me that this way of life can also be enjoyable and not just a whole lot of work . I also have to remind myself that all of the things I do add up to honoring my self and my existence and that my kids are paying attention to the way I treat myself and others and forming their own view of themselves and their own self worth. It’s a huge deal . So , dear friends I hope you can begin to understand a little bit about where my head is at when it comes to this blog and my life and keto candy jar too. It’s all an expression of what’s most important to me and I hope you know that I want the best for all of you and I’m here for you if you need me and I hope to be for many more years to come . Love to you all. ❤️