Hey friends ,
Anyone who tells you that keto is easy is full of it 🤣 but it is definitely worth it! I went to the doctor yesterday and she said my blood pressure is perfect and I’ve lost 10 more pounds! Today I made egg roll in a bowl and mini egg rolls . I used zero carb tortillas ( but you could also use egg wraps) to wrap the egg roll in a bowl ingredients and fried them. They were very good and so was the egg roll in a bowl but it took a little work. Hopefully I can save you guys some trial and error . The egg roll in a bowl part is easier than the mini egg rolls . I used a pound of lean ground turkey , I seasoned it with ginger,garlic and onion powder and chopped green onion . I browned my meat and then added my tri color slaw (14 oz) and soy sauce (1/4 cup) and cooked that until tender . I then added some chopped green onion and sesame seeds to the top. Delicious egg roll in a bowl. For the mini egg rolls I cut my zero carb tortillas into squares . ( you can fry the parts you cut off of the tortillas as “wonton” strips to put on top of your egg roll in a bowl) then I added a small spoon full of the egg roll mixture on to the bottom corner of the square tortilla and wrapped it egg roll style . I made a half dozen of those and fried them . You want a small skillet of vegetable oil on medium high heat to fry your mini egg rolls . Serve right away and enjoy ! I dipped mine in sugar free mango habanero and sugar free sweet chili sauce.